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dinsdag 5 november 2013

Extreemrechts in Hongarije - Magyar Hajnal

Extreemrechts in Hongarije - Magyar Hajnal

Bij extreem-rechts in Hongarije is het ook niet allemaal koek en ei. De in de ogen van velen al extremistische partij Jobbik is voor sommigen intussen te ‘soft’ geworden.

Zij zoeken aansluiting bij Magyar Hajnal, waarin zij hun visie op de omgang met Joden en Zigeuners beter tot uitdrukking willen laten komen in wat een poging lijkt de knokploegjes (weer) te organiseren onder een naam die ‘Hongaarse Dageraad’ betekent.

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Hungary’s ‘Magyar Hajnal’ assert far right identity against others’

A longlasting racial conflict appears to be rekindling in Hungary. Hardcore believers in the political far right are assuming a new name. They are keen to establish their identity with a party called Hungarian Dawn – ‘Magyar Hajnal’. Their bid is under consideration by the courts.

The group’s ambitions include nothing less than turning back the clock by nearly 100 years; they want to cancel the Treaty of Trianon, which in 1920 dissolved the Astro-Hungarian empire and left Hungary smaller.

Would-be party leader Andras Kisgergely reveals a sense of Hungarian Dawn’s reasoning, its mentality, with the assertion he makes in a speech, saying: “Everybody in Hungary should have the right to protect himself, his family and his values and property. We are going to fight for the right of every Hungarian to own a gun!”

The men and women behind Kisgergely feel the far right party Jobbik, the country’s third-largest, is not radical enough, that it is too ‘soft’.

They are connected to paramilitary organisations identified with..........

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