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zaterdag 10 augustus 2013

Drug Law in Hungary - HCLU's Guide for Foreigners

Are you planning a holiday in Hungary? Are you attending a music festival? It's always good to know the drug laws before you visit a country - read our guide and learn more!

In Hungary, the purchase, consumption, and possession of illegal drugs are all criminal offences. Note that even if the use of a particular drug is not a criminal offence in your country, you are still obliged to comply with Hungarian law, and will be held accountable to the same standards as a local person. This leaflet aims to give you a brief overview of what you need to know about the regulation of illegal drugs in Hungary.

What are the illegal drugs?

The most common illegal drugs are marijuana, hash, ecstasy, amphetamines, cocaine, ketamine, opiates, heroin, magic mushroom and LSD. The consumption or possession of any of these substances is punishable by 2 years' imprisonment. On top of these well known substances there is a new range of new psychoactive substances (so-called “legal highs”). These are typically sold in smart shops and have a similar chemical structure and effects to classic illegal drugs. To keep up with the rapidly changing market, the government introduced a temporary list of new psychoactive substances, which includes all the illegal designer drugs. Distribution of these substances is a criminal offence punishable by up to 3 years' imprisonment, possession for personal use is an administrative offence punishable by a fine. If you are unsure whether any particular substance is legal or not, you can check the up-to-date list at:

What are the consequences if I am caught by the police?

Hungarian drug laws are pretty harsh by European standards: For the possession or consumption of a small amount of drugs, you can be jailed for up to two years (see more about what counts as marginal amount below).

However this is very rarely enforced; and if it is...........

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