Aan het welles-nietesspelletje dat al ruim een jaar gaande is tussen de Hongaarse regering het het IMF lijkt dan toch een einde te komen.
Premier Viktor Orbán liet in Brussel weten dat het IMF geen flexibel krediet (FCL) zal gaan verstrekken aan Hongarije.
Maar, zoals vorig jaar ook........
KLIK HIER om het hele artikel te lezen !!!
En wat valt er te lezen op de website van het IMF ....
There's a question on Hungary: "Please comment on Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's comment that Hungary keeps up its request for a Flexible Credit Line as long as the IMF and the EU officially deny Hungary access to any package." She’s asking for a comment on that.
During the first part of 2012 we discussed with the authorities policies that could be supported by a Stand-by Arrangement, which the authorities had expressed the intention to treat as precautionary. Now, as we have stated in recent weeks, these discussions have been put on hold. So that's what I would say in response.
QUESTIONER: I'm a little perplexed by the Hungary issue because the prime minister said yesterday that the IMF had turned down a credit line. Was he lying? The quote's here, he was in Brussels. He said: "I'd asked for a Flexible Credit Line, and the IMF said no." Is he lying?
MR. RICE: You heard what I said.....
KLIK HIER voor Transcript of a Press Briefing by Gerry Rice, Director, External Relations Department, International Monetary Fund !!!